
A conversation spiralling out of control and general boredom lead to this. Lady Stupendous and Captain Adorkable. She's made of Awesome and he quotes Kafka during fist fights.

They are so very stylish. Admit it, you think so too.

A Brief Look at Radical Feminism

I had to clean up the mess afterwards as well. I won't ever understand Radical Feminism. Or the pleasure of burning things.

Because Nathan Fillion Because

Comic Strip style poster for Sandhya Ramachandran's wonderfully haunting film Oviyam. Her undying love for Nathan Fillion's Rick Castle is matched only by my undying love for him in Firefly :P

Done entirely in PS, with very little imagination and finesse :P
All around the world in a hot-air-balloon.

Done for a friend's birthday, watercolours and marker. I must get back to my watercolours someday!

A squarely enjoyable process

The various steps in a making an animated film. Fun-FUN-work-fun. And of course, lots of chai. Where would workers be with chai? Truly it is the opiate of the masses :P

Sunday Morning Shenanigans

Jason Palmer Morning Horror

Some people really know how to make that wake-up call. Nothing like waking up to an artist whose work you admire calling you up and babbling into his ear for five minutes. AAAAAAAAH I SPOKE TO JASON PALMER TODAY!

Here is a rough and dirty comic describing the same. Right click -> Open in new tab for full view. Blogger's interface sucks.